Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Taste, smell, tradition, family and health combined in a single product: extra virgin olive Harvestoil!

As Angelica wrote in a blog a few years ago, it isn’t difficult to see nets and families do harvest in olive groves in October/November, so that they can bring the new oil from their own production to the table.
Here in Tuscany, but in Italy in general, extra virgin olive oil is neither missing on the table nor (in storage quantities) in the cupboard. And it is certainly one of the products that we are particularly proud of, not only in tourism, but also among ourselves.

But the question is, how is His Majesty created? How is the potion of eternal youth made?

weigh the basketsTo answer this question, we went to Alessandro in the Frantoio la Visona in Pieve di Compito. Alessandro explained to me in detail how to cold-press the olives using the millstones as before.

Let’s start by saying how the precious wording can be used. According to European legislation, an oil must meet certain quality standards to be called “extra virgin olive oil”. The acid content in the oil must never exceed first machine0.8% and must only be obtained through mechanical processes and then only cold-pressed once.

After harvesting, the olives must be brought to the mill in 24 hours.
Outside of the oil mills, it is not uncommon to find api loaded with
the leaves are blown off and the olives washedbaskets or to see someone unloading them with great difficulty. First you weigh the baskets, then you start!

In the first machine, the leaves are blown off and the olives washed. At this point an olive paste is made, which consists of the pulp, the core and the peel. machine Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Frantoio la Visona
takes this step in two phases to speed up times. The first with a machine and the second with the stone mill.

Finally, we come to extraction, which is the heart of the process. The oil paste is distributed on synthetic fiber discs. These discs are stacked, positioned in the press and pressed with an average pressure of 400 atm. During this process, the paste is separated from the oily must made of oil and water.

stone millsynthetic fiber discspress






centrifugeThe last step can be done in two ways: by a centrifuge or by decanting.
Extra Virgin Olive OilWhen you are decanting, you simply wait that the oil separate itself from the water. The centrifuge speeds up the process by separating the oil from the water.

Absolutely nothing is thrown away during the extraction process.
The leaves and the water divided by the oil are used as fertilizer, while the olive paste can be used in more ways. To produce pomace oil, as fuel in biomass boilers or for fermentation processes to produce biogas.

leaves discsolive paste





Liquid gold can be eaten in the kitchen or simply on a slice of bread as a bruschetta!
The new oil, “Olio novo” as we call it here in Tuscany, is tastier, a little bit spicy and Olivesopaque. After a few months, it will lose its sharpness, become clear and shiny as we are used to see it.

A big thank you clearly goes to Alessandro and to the whole Frantoio la Visona, for keeping the tradition alive and having put up with me, my questions and my photos. They sell of course extra virgin olive oil and offer tastings by reservation. For information contact them or ask us without any problems!



our holiday houses:

Villa Verdi Evasioni

Case Elga – Casale


Angelika Meisborn

<p>Ciao! Mi chiamo Angelika Meisborn e vivo a Pescia (PT), una piccola città tra Lucca e Firenze, dal 1994. Come non innamorarsi di questa zona?! Nel 2008 è nata per puro caso Tuscany Exclusive, al tempo una piccola impresa con poche case vacanza posizionate nella zona in cui ancora vivo. Col passare del tempo però è diventata ciò che è adesso! Il nostro Team è specializzato nell’affitto di Rustici e Ville sparse in tutta la Toscana, adatte per trascorrere delle splendide vacanze. Offriamo infatti una vasta gamma di case e appartamenti tipici, personalmente selezionati e ispezionati, per garantire un elevato standard di qualità. Tuscany Exclusive con la sua esperienza e la sua conoscenza della zona può quindi soddisfare tutti i vostri desideri! La nostra regione può offrirvi tutto ciò di cui il vostro cuore ha bisogno per realizzare la vacanza dei vostri sogni! Le proprietà si trovano infatti vicino a città bellissime, ricche di cultura e divertimento, in cui anche semplicemente passeggiando nelle loro vie e vicoli, sembrerà di essere tornati in epoche passate. I nostri paesaggi lasciano tutti senza fiato! Abbiamo un mare di cui pochi possono vantarsi, adatto a tutti i tipi di esigenze: una costa per chi ama il mare incontaminato, ma anche spiagge attrezzate con servizi e attrazioni. Le colline sono spesso incorniciate da piccoli paesini medievali, sempre pronti a farvi innamorare di loro. Infine, ma non per questo meno importante, c’è anche la montagna per chi ama rifugiarsi fra fiumi, laghi e passeggiare nei boschi. Insomma, siamo certi di potervi garantire una vacanza indimenticabile, perché nonostante la Toscana sia bella così com’è, noi ci metteremo quel pizzico di magia in più per farvi sentire coccolati durante tutto il vostro soggiorno! Vi aspettiamo presto in Toscana! La vostra, Angelika</p>

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