An abbazia is an abbey, which means that in order to become an abbey from a monastery, various canonical requirements must be met. 

The abbey is in Montione, a district of Cascina in the province of Pisa, near the river Arno.

The first document is dated 30 April 780, where the foundation of the monastery of San Savino in Montione is published. This monastery was to protect the church of San Savino di Ceragiolo. 

The construction was possible because three brothers, lords of the castle ‘Tra Colli’, donated the lands and buildings surrounding the church, as well as lands along the river Arno and properties in Pisa, Florence and Porcari (Lucca). 

The former building was destroyed by floods between 1115 and 1122 and immediately rebuilt where it stands today.

Some researchers assume that the Pieve di Santa Giulia di Caprone stands on the remains of the destroyed Abbazia.

The entire twelfth century was spent building on the abbazia. To protect itself from floods, the abbazia was built on a hill.

There are two theories about the origin of the hill. Until 10 years ago, it was thought to be an artificial hill, but there are researchers who now believe, based on findings, that the hill is an Etruscan tomb. 

The complex was designed as a fortress with dimensions of 56 m by 67.7 m. The protective wall can still be seen today, even though windows have been opened and private accommodation is now located there.

There are two levels, the lower level with the stables, cellars and warehouses and accessible via the large stone staircase, the upper level with the church built in the ‘stile romanico Pisano’, the monks’ quarters, food storage (you can still see how the grain was stored), there is a well and space to grow vegetables. 

In this way, they were well prepared for possible sieges.

The church is built in the shape of a T with a semicircular vestibule. 

Interesting is the basin for the holy water, made of marble and alabaster, from the Etruscan period. 

The church was renovated in the 17th century. The church was renovated and slightly modified in the 17th century. The bell tower was destroyed during the retreat of the Germans on 15.7.1944 to leave no vantage points, it was rebuilt in the 90s. 

The protective walls to the north and partly to the west are being rebuilt by the current parish priest Don Alberto Armellin, he has also set up a small museum.

Even today, part of the abbazia is still a farm. Cows live in the stable and up in the monastery garden you are greeted by a goat.

I was very happy that the geese were in the stable, but they complained a lot that we were running around.

Angelika Meisborn

<p>Ciao! Mi chiamo Angelika Meisborn e vivo a Pescia (PT), una piccola città tra Lucca e Firenze, dal 1994. Come non innamorarsi di questa zona?! Nel 2008 è nata per puro caso Tuscany Exclusive, al tempo una piccola impresa con poche case vacanza posizionate nella zona in cui ancora vivo. Col passare del tempo però è diventata ciò che è adesso! Il nostro Team è specializzato nell’affitto di Rustici e Ville sparse in tutta la Toscana, adatte per trascorrere delle splendide vacanze. Offriamo infatti una vasta gamma di case e appartamenti tipici, personalmente selezionati e ispezionati, per garantire un elevato standard di qualità. Tuscany Exclusive con la sua esperienza e la sua conoscenza della zona può quindi soddisfare tutti i vostri desideri! La nostra regione può offrirvi tutto ciò di cui il vostro cuore ha bisogno per realizzare la vacanza dei vostri sogni! Le proprietà si trovano infatti vicino a città bellissime, ricche di cultura e divertimento, in cui anche semplicemente passeggiando nelle loro vie e vicoli, sembrerà di essere tornati in epoche passate. I nostri paesaggi lasciano tutti senza fiato! Abbiamo un mare di cui pochi possono vantarsi, adatto a tutti i tipi di esigenze: una costa per chi ama il mare incontaminato, ma anche spiagge attrezzate con servizi e attrazioni. Le colline sono spesso incorniciate da piccoli paesini medievali, sempre pronti a farvi innamorare di loro. Infine, ma non per questo meno importante, c’è anche la montagna per chi ama rifugiarsi fra fiumi, laghi e passeggiare nei boschi. Insomma, siamo certi di potervi garantire una vacanza indimenticabile, perché nonostante la Toscana sia bella così com’è, noi ci metteremo quel pizzico di magia in più per farvi sentire coccolati durante tutto il vostro soggiorno! Vi aspettiamo presto in Toscana! La vostra, Angelika</p>

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